BANKSETA responds to the sector’s skills needs

The banking and alternative banking sector requires certain skills in order to offer products and services to both local and global markets. The BANKSETA 2018 Sector Skills Plan highlights several of these skills priority areas, such as technology, digitisation and analytics, risk management and compliance, management and leadership development, core banking products/services and customer-relationship management.


BANKSETA Invest In Crafting Future Leaders

The BANKSETA has identified opportunities in the banking and microfinance sector to drive the skills development agenda and to empower the youth through various initiatives. The BANKSETA has implemented a number of significant projects and delivered on key milestones which include cutting-edge research that has culminated in the Banking Sector Skills Plan (SSP).The organisation conducts


A course that’s outside the norm

A COURSE THAT’S OUTSIDE THE NORM Hard work and dedication are one aspect but thinking creatively is what will send employees up the company ladder far more quickly OFFERING a course that is outside the norm has paid off handsomely for a college in Bloemfontein with the top students from the first year’s intake starting