TVET and UoT Funding Window

TVET and UOT Work Integrated Learning Funding Windows 2022

The BANKSETA invites suitable public higher learning institutions to apply for the Discretionary Grant Funding Windows 2022/23.

The Discretionary Grant Funding Window opens on 2 December 2021 and closes on 31 January 2022. 

Kindly note that all applications should be submitted in electronic format (softcopy) to:

 Upon submission please ensure to:

  • Email each application for funding separately. An email should therefore contain only one consolidated and complete application
  • The consolidated and complete application must be contained within the email itself. Links shared to access applications that were uploaded to cloud or shared drives will not be considered as this does not allow the evaluation team to download or more importantly for an audit trail.
  • Verify all documents to ensure its not duplicated, password protected/encrypted or corrupt in any way.
  • Ensure timeous submission of all emails to the nominated email address as emails received past the due date and time will not be considered regardless of the time send by the applicant.
  • Index the email as follows in the Subject Line: Name of Institution Learning Category and Number of Learners.

The closing date and time for all Discretionary Grant Funding Window Applications is 23:59 midnight on Monday 31 January 2022.

Please take note of the below documents (attached to this invitation) relevant to this funding window:

Document Purpose
Discretionary Grant Funding Window Guidelines 2022 This document provides guidelines for the application and approval of the BANKSETA Discretionary Grant Funding Window 2022.
Annexure B UOT  funding Window Register        Please ensure to

– Submit complete and duly signed application forms

Annexure B TVET Funding Window Register Form      Please ensure to

– Submit complete and duly signed application forms

Annexure C TVET  Application form Please ensure to

– Submit complete and duly signed application forms

Annexure C UOT Application form Please ensure to

– Submit complete and duly signed application forms


Higher Learning Institutions are urged to submit the necessary documents timeously and with the requisite information, for applications to be assessed without delay.