Research Portal Registration


The BANKSETA team is involved in various benchmarking interventions against international best practice and continuously carries out research to underpin  the  organisation’s  activities. Through  the bursary programmes, BANKSETA funds initiatives that support research at Masters, Doctoral and Post-doctoral studies.BANKSETA also commissions research and where possible conducts research in-house. Stakeholders are invited to register  on the portal to familiarise themselves with BANKSETA research initiatives and to gain exposure on trends within the banking and alternative banking sectors.


The research published herein is the property of the BANKSETA and stakeholders are required to in cases where part of the research is to be used for personal, organisational, academic or any reason, to  reference the BANKSETA as the source of information and are to include  the particular report’s title and information extraction date in their documentation.

The purpose of the research undertaken by BANKSETA is to:

  • Support the NSDS III goal of “creating a credible mechanism for skills planning”
  • Support the DHET PSET Research Agenda and the DHET Skills Planning Strategy
  • Support the skills planning process for the banking and non-banking Sectors
  • Strengthen the strategy and efficiency of the BANKSETA and to;
  • Measure the performance of the BANKSETA through impact assessments, tracer studies, etc.

This Research Agenda sets out the research priorities of the Banking Sector for the period April 2017. March 2020 (the end date is prescribed by the current licensing period). It has been developed to inform the development of the Sector Skills Plans, the Strategic Plan and the Annual Performance Plan and to inform stakeholders of the various research activities specific to skills development within the banking Sector.
