International Research


The main purposes of a Sector Skills Plan, outlined in the Skills Development Act 1998, Section10 (1), and in the National Skills Development Strategy III, are the following:

  • Inform supply-side planning in post-school institutions
  • Determine funding priorities via the levy grant system
  • Support regional and employer plans
  • Inform allocation of resources to develop qualifications and learning programmes
  • Establish occupation-specific skills priorities for the Sector
  • Inform education and training institutions of demand needs in the labour market
  • Enable individuals to make informed career choices
  • Monitor skills development provision in the Sector

On 20 April 2017 the ‘National Policy for an Integrated Career Development System for South Africa’ was published in the Government Gazette (vol.622, no.40795) and Its purpose is to build an integrated CDS system for South Africa.

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