Claiming The SDL


Mandatory grant payments are paid quarterly to qualifying companies. In the event that you qualified for a grant, but have not received your grant payment kindly contact the Finance Team at BANKSETA at 011 805 9661.

Levy Paying

The Skills Development Levies Act (SDLA) of 1999 requires that employers with an annual payroll of R500 000-00 or more, pay a skills Development Levy (SDL) of 1% of payroll. The levies are collected by the South Africa Revenue Services (SARS) and transferred to the relevant SETA via the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).

Non-Levy Paying

Registered, non-levy paying organisations are those which do not meet the threshold payroll amount or who are levy- exempt. If you fall into this category you will still be required to participate in the skills development process in order to qualify for BANKSETA discretionary grant-funded projects

Claiming your Skills Development Levy (SDL):
The flowchart below depicts the flow of levies and allocation.